Yesterday night I was looking for some news from an open source project, accidentally I found 2 interesting tools, one from Microsoft and one from Businessware Architects.
The one from Microsoft is the XSDObjectGen, a tool for gerating code, pure classes, from xsd Schemas. It's free to download at:
The one from Businessware Architects is the CodeXS, a code generation tool who does the same as XSDObjectGen and XSD tools from Microsoft. The Only difference is that CodeXS is open source and more, efficient, modular... It's frre to download (registration required) at: There's also an interesting article related to the tool which take a tour over functionality and more.
So I wish to take a try to evaluate the potential from that tool. Maybe one could say I found nothing new to the folks, but before yesterday I never saw that tools, so I want to examinee how can I use them in my projects.